This is Thomas, a member of Vancouver's
The Green Hour. I have to encourage you to check out their myspace page (linked above) because their music is actually quite good. In fact, really good. And anyone who knows me, know that I'm not nearly as passionate about Vancouver's music scene as I am about its street style. However, when I do find a local band I like, I get really excited. Which is why I can't wait for their performance tomorrow night (Saturday) at The Railway Club.
But what is even better about the Green Hour is that these are four incredibly well dressed guys, albeit they look like they walked straight out of the 1960s. I mean, when you see them all walking down the street together its a bit funny, especially out of context. But on stage, they are pretty damn cool. These are four guys who definitely understand the importance of creating an image. So much of our appreciation of music is involved in visualisation -- which is why so many musicians of the past have been as equally recognized as style icons, as they are music legends. The Green Hour give us a sense of this, as they draw inspiration in style from the same era their music refers to.