
MONTREAL - Worn Journal Issue 6 Release, Slow Dance Prom

To celebrate the release of their 6th issue, Montreal's Worn Fashion Journal threw a Slow Dance Prom. And what a fitting, nostalgic idea they had to set up a photobooth. The pictures turned out beautifully! Check out their flickr album. Although I couldn't attend the event myself, it was an important event for The Commodified: a collection of photos from my archives appear on the back cover this new issue. If you are in and around Montreal, Toronto, or New York, here is a list of locations where you can find a copy!


3 Column Grid said...

can you post a scan of the back for those of us not in those 3 cities? ;)

The Commodified said...

i definitely will, phil, once mine comes in the mail. i haven't seen it yet myself!

Anonymous said...

haha what a great set of photos - wish i had read this two nights ago as i was just in montreal - woulda grabbed a copy

Anonymous said...

Dohtis? are u kidding me get these boys some pants not from the afgani hills....xoxo