travis says:"she made me want to make a time machine so i could go back and have sex with all my hot elementary school teachers."
travis says:"i know this is an obvious american apparel friends and workers pic but i don't care. They're nice. They're hot. And their tears feed unicorns. Hey, fill in the blanks everyone! ANON: i think this reeks like ______, i have a vendetta against american apparel because __________."
holy shit, this is how you get famous!
you're so bitter you incorporate me into real posts.
p.s. the bottom chick is dressed like shit. but garrett saves the picture.
i think more fame would come if i actually put my name in...
i wrote you in cause i think you're funny. my friend used to do a radio show and i would call in while he was on air and heckle him, it got quite popular.
but do agree with you (for once)
i think not using your name is kind of cowardly, but, understand.
keep posting we like you at the commodified.
I want to come in your time machine travis!!
That is a sexy woman...
if all women embraced their feminity with tight skirts, high pumps, and french style neck ties, like this woman, the world would be a much, much better place.
Dress like a lady and be treated like one...
uhh.... except she's not exactly known for being a "lady"... HAHA!
but you sound cute. let's make out.
Get Out....
well regardless, i still think the ensemble is sexy sophisti-K.
tight skirts and high (unpointy toe) pumps are always welcome
I might make out if I knew ur name... u sound fiesty
oh jen kenny, you do it to me everytime.
too bad the first one's face looks like a dog chewed mangled up doll.
and yes, girl in third picture is dressed like shit.
whats's wrong with american apparel?
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